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Graeme Grogan
03 8088 3829
Judo Victoria New Membership Fee
This fee is paid to Judo Victoria and covers insurance and State registration and must be paid to join the club. Upon payment the member is financial with Judo Victoria for 12 months.
Seniors (16 years and over) $121
Juniors $107
Judo Victoria annual membership renewal fees are:
Seniors (16 years and over) $121
Juniors $107
This may be paid to the club or online at
Judo Victoria offers a four week free Trial Membership. Talk to Helen or Lynnette.
Club Fees
Judo Victoria New Membership fee must be paid first
Per session casual fee $16 -
10 sessions $140 -
3 months $210 -
6 months $380 -
Introductory Special
One session $10
First 10 sessions $120 -